Friday, December 7, 2007

2008 Zodiac Fortune Forecast- Leo

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Key word: Standing strong

Luck is picking up for Leo in 2008. However, this isn’t meant things will fall on your side. You will still need to fight for what you want, and you will be blessed. You will be able to achieve what you hope for if you work it out in 2008.

Leo have to work hard although they are protected from the unlucky incidences in 2008. Leo needs to re-look into their objectives in life and improve and adjust from time to time. You need to re-analyze yourself carefully and find your new direction. Your future is always in you hands, it depends on how you plan for it. Happiness is always in your heart and not from the sky.

For Leo who hurt in their relationship in the past, 2008 is a good year to start a new page in this sector. You are likely to attract admirers in 2008 especially for Leo who is more sociable. Social events such as friends' gathering, wedding dinners etc bring good fortune in love sector for Leo in 2008. Don’t just stay at home and wish your white horse to drop by. Go out and get it!

*Disclaimer: The opinions expressed above are entirely based on my personal point of view and some light readings. This shall not be treated as reference and recommendation. Nobody shall be liable for any discomforts or side effects caused by the act as discussed above.

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